Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Fuller received her doctoral degree in clinical psychology from the University of Florida. She is a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice and also serves as an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry in the University of Utah School of Medicine. She has worked across the continuum of care with young children through adults and specializes in trauma treatment, psychotherapy for psychotic disorders, child psychopathology, and crisis intervention services. Dr. Fuller is a certified instructor for several suicide and crisis intervention intensive training courses through the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation and former co-leader for the Western Wyoming region of the Child Trauma Treatment Network. She has presented nationally and internationally on a variety of topics, particularly related to trauma treatment, dissociation, crisis intervention, and phase-specific treatment of psychotic disorders. Her book, Surviving, Existing, or Living: Phase Specific Therapy for Severe Psychosis is available in both English and Spanish. Disconnecting to Survive: Understanding and Recovering from Trauma-based Dissociation provides up-to-date guidance on how to address trauma-based dissociation through a therapist-guided approach. It for individuals who experience dissociation or wonder if they do, and for their family, friends, and professionals who want to help them.

For a full CV, please click here.